Bell's Oberon

Ober All Over


Bell’s Oberon is a beloved seasonal beer from one of the nation’s top craft breweries. For 30 years, Michiganders (and now folks across the U.S.) have celebrated Oberon Day on the third Monday in March. For many Midwesterners, this marks the start of the summer season, even when there’s still snow on the ground. While there is a lot of initial excitement around the release of the beer, it drops off heavily in the real summer season. So, LWG was tasked with creating paid ad campaign that ran throughout the summer, reminding people to take Ober(on) All Over during their sun-filled adventures. The results? Higher than expected beer sales and many happy drinkers.

Big Idea


ober all over

There is truly nothing like a Midwestern summer. The cabins. The cottages. The freshwater beaches with white sand. The drunken river floats. The s’mores at the bonfire. The gorgeous hiking. The party boat floats. The baseball games. The drive “up north.”

It really is all the best things about living in – or visiting – the Midwest. And you need a beer that’s as sun-filled and carefree as the Midwestern summer. Super drinkable, super likable, and super delicious: the perfect summer beer for every warm-weather adventure. (Even Big Gretch knows that.) Wherever you go this summer – across the Midwest or just soaking in the summer like a Midwesterner – take an Oberon with ya.

Phase 1 in the winter



Phase 2 in the summer

Nobody loves the sun as much as someone who doesn’t see it for six months. Us Midwesterners here at Bell’s Brewery bottled up sunshine, and we’re selling it to the masses. Great served with an orange slice. Better with a sun tan.


Spotify Ads

screens of instagram ads on dark blue background
Social Advertising


illustrative elements for Bell's Brewery, including sunglasses, flowers, beach chairs, a sun, and other beach vacation illustrations on a dark blue background
Custom illustrations

Customized Digital Advertising
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"LWG ideated and brought to life our Oberon 2023 Campaign, which was the biggest one we have run to-date. The campaign brought fresh life to an iconic brand seeking to reach a new audience, and we saw great results. The process was smooth and the team worked fast and with great agility as we worked against very condensed timelines. The team was great to work with, always bringing positivity and solutions-oriented approach to our requests."

– Carly, Senior Brand Manager @ Bell's Brewery


Client: Bell's Brewery, New Belgium Brewing

Video Production: DropDrop

Animation: DropDrop

Radio Production: SoundPost

see case study